Finding fall fun in an Outlander PHEV

Start planning now for a weekend adventure as the seasons change

by Doug Hunt

I’ve often been told that when starting a new hobby or project it’s critical to have the right tools.

As a person who adores summer and the activities that come with it, I’m well stocked with surfboards, sunblock and tools that lead to fun in the sun. But it would take an entirely different tool to bring on a new appreciation for fall.

With the leaves turning and the temperature dropping, my girlfriend Kartiga planned a weekend of activities designed to pique my interest in summer’s chillier neighbour, all of which we would visit in a vehicle seemingly designed for the season — the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV.

Our weekend adventure began when we loaded our bags and charged up the Outlander’s 20-kWh battery before heading to our first stop — the vast grounds of Downey’s Farm in Caledon, Ont. to search for a pumpkin.

We quickly realized we were not the only people with this idea, and the Outlander showed its all-terrain prowess as it effortlessly navigated through the former orchard now moonlighting as a parking lot.

The sea of pumpkins on display had been visible from the road, but it wasn’t until we got closer that the scale of what was available was amazing.

Large, small, round and tall, there was literally a pumpkin for every taste, though many people seemed to just want to get their picture taken with them. We dutifully followed suit and took our pictures as well, with Kartiga taking a nice photo before I took a goofier shot laying in a sea of orange. We then selected a heavier-than-it-appeared specimen to bring home with us.

While the outdoor pumpkin search would have been enough for me, Kartiga let me know we would be lugging more than just a large orange orb back to the Outlander. She had chosen Downey’s for its pumpkin doughnuts, which are made fresh on site and were a major draw for many of the people we met. We joined the line and waited patiently to get our hands on some of the precious doughnuts. After bringing our purchases back to the SUV, we dug into the doughnuts in the back of the Outlander, savouring the distinct flavour as we sat next to our safely stored pumpkin.

Fueled with more sugar than we needed for the day, we headed to our next destination.

The Cheltenham General Store offers a quaint stop that could be set in the 1950s. Thankfully, the Outlander is from a much more modern time, and we used its ample parking assist features to navigate a tight space and secure storeside parking. Inside, Kartiga purchased some cookies while I was given a crash course on a long-departed Cheltenham hockey team from some local experts.

With new knowledge and more sugar stored away, we set a new destination in the on-board navigation system and headed for our accommodation for the evening, the Caledon Manor Inn.

The large family home was breathtaking and amazingly situated in the midst of trees showing vibrant fall colours. After a greeting from the owner, we headed out back to see the trees for ourselves, while reveling in surroundings that many travel around the world to experience.

Over dinner at a restaurant nearby, we plotted how to turn our newly acquired pumpkin into a pie before shifting our sugar focus to a chocolate lava cake and our plans for the next day.

We awoke recharged from a comfortable bed and a delicious breakfast of baked French toast, homemade maple syrup and more breathtaking fall views from the dining room balcony. Though the temptation to go for another forest hike was strong, we knew there was more on the agenda for the day, with many kilometres ahead. We unplugged the Outlander PHEV from an outlet at the Caledon Manor Inn and headed out.

The first stop was just down the road for some apple picking at Albion Orchards. Our early start meant we were able to park right out front and purchased a bag that would hold 10 pounds of delicious Ontario apples. I was surprised by how many different types of apples there were, but Kartiga had again done her research and knew we wanted Empires for baking and Golden Delicious for eating. We sought out and found the desired varieties in the beautiful orchard and even climbed a ladder to get our hands on the tough-to-access fruit at the top of one tree, which we had arbitrarily decided would make them the best for another pie we planned.

The apples were safely stored next to the pumpkins in the back of the PHEV and the heated seats and steering wheel were turned on to warm us up as the fall rain arrived. Thankfully, the heat was not the only Outlander feature that shone on the next leg of our journey. The giant glass sunroof and massaging seat allowed Kartiga to relax watching the rain while the Super All-Wheel Control system safely guided us along an unpaved road full of farm views that eventually led us to a lunch in a ‘divine’ location.

Caledon Hills Brewing Company is set in a former church and offered a fantastic reprieve from the rain with warm fries, fresh salads and a delicious flight of fall beers, all while sitting under stained glass windows on wooden benches reminiscent of the pews that once occupied the space.

The refreshing stop helped gear us up for the hour-long drive to Elora and the spooky scene that awaited us at our next bed and breakfast, where Halloween decorations adorned the grounds of Bristow’s Inn. The old house was immaculate inside and we took a break to relax in its classic spaces before heading to enjoy Kartiga’s biggest surprise of the weekend.

The Elora Mill was a short drive away, and provided stunning views of the gorge that runs through the area. We headed inside for a dinner with a view that has to be seen to be believed. The restaurant literally hangs over the edge of the gorge, and we were equally dazzled by the sunset and changing lights on the gorge wall as we were with the delicious food. The evening finished with a glass of port for me before Kartiga drove us back to a spooky inn that thankfully didn’t appear to be particularly haunted.

The next morning, we had a quick chat with the inn owners before going to the final outdoor experience of the weekend, some hiking and exploration at Elora Gorge Conservation Area.

Like our stop in Caledon, we again gazed on the splendor of fall while also seeing the gorge’s lookout point and cave-like hole in a rock feature. It seemed like everywhere we turned there was scenery worthy of a page in a calendar, and it served as a fantastic wrap-up to our time away.

After a quick stop for poutine, we pointed the Mitsubishi SUV toward home and reflected on the past few days.

During our journey, I learned that fall is a season that seems to ask you to slow down. From picking pumpkins and apples to breathing in the crisp air and chatting with new friends, we explored and took in our surroundings at our own pace. Along the way, the Outlander PHEV was a perfect companion for each step and provided the comfort and capability we needed to reflect, recharge and realize that the fall season in this part of the planet is truly world class.

With the right tools, the Canadian autumn will no doubt bring joy to anyone who comes looking for it, including this converted summer skeptic.

Ready to try the Outlander PHEV for your next adventure? Learn more or book a test drive.